Hello everyone! My name is Eva and I’m about to share with you some of my experience at the Doctor Who 50th Celebration event I attended the past weekend. I apologise it has taken me so long, but believe me, the whole gathering has left quite an impact in my head and it takes some time to put everything down into some coherent words and not just mindless babble.
As you may
know, this event was held in London on the weekend 22nd till 24th
November, in the congress centre of Excel. Due to the amount of people expected
to come they decided to make it a one-day event (meaning that the same
programme would be held each day, even though the star guests change according
to the date) and divide them into two groups – Ice Warriors and Weeping Angels.
I was assigned Ice Warrior on Friday, the first day of the celebration, so many
of my objections may have been solved in the later days.
There were
two more levels with DW goodness to raise a bit of panic about not being able
to attend everything you’d like to (which was truly impossible). On the second
floor they arranged a lounge for TARDIS ticket holders with refreshments. The
third floor was more Con-like, with screening room that played Doctor Who episodes with actual live
commentaries (so it was better if you’ve seen the episode before, because all
the guests talked about the behind-the-scene and funny incidents and such); and
with Classic lounge (which offered comfort to Classic Who fans to listen to
stories and interviews of previous companions).
Okay, I hope the introduction is over and I didn’t put
you off with all the information. But there’s still so much more to come…
My Experience
Now to the fun stuff. As I stated before, the whole convention was a bit confusing at first. I had no idea where to go and was just herded into the Theatre, where I sat down and prepared myself for the unexpected. It was really a huge space, filled with chairs and podium in the front. I could clearly see the screen as the BBC trailer for the Special episode was shown. I must admit, my mood went up the ceiling. That’s when I finally admitted to myself: I’m in London about to witness something unbelievable for sure!
They screened variety of clips for us while we waited
for the SFX show to start, mostly the trailer and the opening tune. Then the
presenter, Dallas Campbell (to be honest, this was the first time I heard of this
guy, is he well-known in Britain?), started the show and invited the special
effects guy, whose name I unfortunately never caught up. They talked about
blowing up Daleks, how it’s important to have a break-up Dalek so they don’t
fly away in pieces (which might hurt someone). Lot of things in Doctor Who nowadays
are made in CGI, but the prosthetics and Visual Effects are always needed as
well. Especially an explosion. He liked the explosion behind David Tennant in
the "End of Time" (even though it was made higher through CGI). The Guy
also mentions that he set David Tennant’s hair on fire (by accident, but I
think he was just a little bit jealous, hehe).
Of course they had to involve the audience too. So
after blowing up the Dalek, another bang was heard (which made me jump, it was
so out of the blue!) and Cyberman stepped out the cocoon that was on stage.
Dallas C. asked who’d like to learn how to kill a Cyberman and chose a kid to
be the Doctor and a girl to be his companion (she does nothing but stand,
really). Billie Piper’s gun ("The Stolen Earth") was brought and the kid
got to shoot the Cyberman! They showed us the remote fire system duct-taped to
Cyberman’s back. I thought it was quite clever. Then came the wind (I’m sure
most of you have seen it, a huge fan really) and the snow (which didn’t quite
work). The snow showed up to be a surprise to me. It’s made of paper! All the
snow you’ve seen on set is made of paper! How this is humanly possible is
beyond my capacity...
The nicest thing was when Dallas pointed out a Dalek in the audience. It was a
very nice costume. Well, the rest were
question about the Anniversary episode and only one thing was revealed: that
it’d be a show (as it turned out to truly be), with lots of explosions and it
was the "trickiest one to make, physical effects-wise."
After leaving the German couple with the photos in my
hands, I practically run to the Arena so I could have another picture taken,
this time in the TARDIS console. What I wasn’t prepared for was the line that
stretched throughout the Arena and I knew I’d end up there for ages. The queue
slowly proceeded to the TARDIS, but it could have been miles away for all knew.
Solid hunger forced me to buy a little snack (my first food that day for I woke
up quite late to have any time for a proper breakfast) and waited and shifted
and waited. As I was closing to the TARDIS’ door I remembered I also purchased
an autograph from Sylvester McCoy. Being just few meters from my final
destination, I had no other option then to ask the staff guy to hold my place
for me so I wouldn’t miss Sylvester.
Sylvester was such a sweetie. I was one of the last to
show up yet I had to wait at least 15 minutes because Sylvester talked to
everyone who wanted to have a small talk with him. I let him sign my 50 Years
edition book of Remembrance of the Daleks and thanked him for his performance
as Witch Prime in Minister of Chance Sonic Movie (if you haven’t already, check
this one out. Also starring Paul McGann, Julian Wadham, Jed Brophy, Lauren
Crace among others. They just finished crowd fund-raising to make a Movie. The
Sonic Movie is free to download here) and he even remembered him
dancing with me at HobbitCon! Few photos with him and off I went, back to the
As I got back, I noticed with some horror that the guy
I spoke to and who would let me back to the line where I was, was replaced by
someone else. I tried very hard to convince him that I hadn’t my photo taken
yet and I was promised to be let back into the line. And that’s when my
‘personal’ Doctor came in.
His name was Richard and he simply said that he knows me. I was bit confused but the guy said ‘oh, you know him, you can go’ and so I was back in line! I don’t think I would be mentally capable of waiting in the line from the start. I’d end up in a little ball of tears somewhere. Anyway, I finally had a company, a Brit living in the States and we had a very lovely chat. At that time I was getting quite confused whether any Brits actually were at the Event at all…
His name was Richard and he simply said that he knows me. I was bit confused but the guy said ‘oh, you know him, you can go’ and so I was back in line! I don’t think I would be mentally capable of waiting in the line from the start. I’d end up in a little ball of tears somewhere. Anyway, I finally had a company, a Brit living in the States and we had a very lovely chat. At that time I was getting quite confused whether any Brits actually were at the Event at all…
The time flies fast when you have a partner to chat
and laugh with. He turned out to be a massive DW fan, who bought the family
ticket because the single ones were sold out! And he built TARDIS out of Lego
(which looked impressive, positioned by the sea with waves crashing around it)
and knitted 4th Doctor’s scarf by himself. We got to the door in no
time and then I entered the TARDIS though the main door and… I was taken aback.
I was in the TARDIS. Everything was flashing and moving and I had to be moved
to the position to have the pic taken. I tried the best pose I could master but
all I could see was the wonderful machine. The huge grin that appeared on my
face hadn’t left me till I was back in Purfleet, where my temporary base was
I bid goodbye to Richard, a little sad to leave such a
good companion behind, and let out to explore the rest of the venue.
I started with the Costumes, sets & props. There
were 10 Doctor’s costumes (3rd Doctor’s missing), which were
beautiful and you could examine the patterns on each of them real close. Then
there were companions, Donna Noble’s dress, Martha’s outfit, Amy Pond’s
Kissagram, Rory’s adorable shirt (with him and Amy in the heart on the chest of
the shirt), Jack Harkness’ coat and so many more. There were placed Classic
costumes and props as well. The one prop I remembered clearly was the
Snowmen-making machine from the Snowmen episode. Quite cool thing to look at.
Next stop was the Make-up trailer.It’s just mirrors
and chairs and frankly I couldn’t imagine sitting in those things for few
hours. There’s David Tennant’s wig and I just kept on running my fingers
through it. Think what you want, but it was a sensational feeling.
I kept on wandering through the crowd, stopping by
Visual Effects, where I got to talk to people who build the miniatures and next
to them we could touch glass-like shards, which were in fact made of some kind
of jelly or touch the insides of the Dalek. I had to climb inside the
Production trailer (even though it looked more like canteen) to see how far the
whole place stretches. Awesome view, overlooking the crowds you knew where your
people, people who shared the same passion for one Doctor we all call our own.

Of course, there was the merchandise corner, filled
with T-shirt, Big Finish audiobooks…
“People get all emotional, and they don’t even make it. Imagine how we feel about the end.”
-Steven Moffat
They added that the saddest moment of filming was definitely the last scene of Matt
(which comes this Christmas), the scariest monsters were the Weeping
Angels for Matt, the Silents for the director. and for Jenna, the Whispermen. When the panel
reached its end, all the guests earned a very long and heartfelt applause, it
sounded as thank you from fans to Matt.
The last bit I decided to explore was the third floor
with its screening room. I signed up for the screening of School Reunion. It
was really commentary about the episode, here present were the producer and
costume designer. A few fun-facts: they had 4 schools in which it was filmed, the
best costume wore Rose (the school canteen worker), Mickey caught himself
talking to the metal dog (K-9) instead of to the actor who voiced him instead.
After this, I bid my last goodbye and farewell to the
venue, carrying unforgettable memories and warmth in my heart.
One more thing, I spotted quite a lot of cosplayers.
Do some googling and find them. They are awesome.
If you made it this far, congratulations, and a huge
thank you. It was an honour and privilege to be able to attend and I’m most
grateful if I was able to pass some of the awesomeness along.
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