Hi everyone (anyone?), I am pleased to announce that I am one of the newest members of the contributor team at What Culture! Don't worry, though, because that doesnt mean at all that I am giving up TARDIStyle, because that is the last thing I would do. The lack of new posts is mostly due to not having much material, and that I have been and will be very busy this summer. I don't have any articles up on WC yet, although there are two underway. My profile for the site is here, and you will be able to see all my work there. Thanks for being awesome fans. Love you all!
Monday, 17 June 2013
Ley and WhatCulture! (Weekly Update)
Hi everyone (anyone?), I am pleased to announce that I am one of the newest members of the contributor team at What Culture! Don't worry, though, because that doesnt mean at all that I am giving up TARDIStyle, because that is the last thing I would do. The lack of new posts is mostly due to not having much material, and that I have been and will be very busy this summer. I don't have any articles up on WC yet, although there are two underway. My profile for the site is here, and you will be able to see all my work there. Thanks for being awesome fans. Love you all!
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
The Last Great Time War?
I assume that many of you are like myself and really kinda want to know more about the Last Great Time War. Well, I have news for you! While I was poking around and wasting time on Tumblr (follow us: TARDIStyle.tumblr.com), I stumbled upon a fan comic. It's called "Time War" and can be seen here.
I was unable to contact the person running it, which I would have liked to before I promoted them here, but such is life. If you are that person, please contact me! See my bio on the right-hand sidebar.

Monday, 3 June 2013
Hey, Who's Running this Show? Who's Even in this Show?
The answer has been "Steven Moffat" since 2010, but there's some speculation that that may be changing. The Radio Times reports that despite rumours otherwise, Moffat will be staying for at least a year.
Many fans have a love/hate relationship with Steven, and personally I'm indifferent to him, but I think that its good that he'll be there for the first season of the Twelfth Doctor. When Russell T Davies left along with David Tennant, I felt like too much change and that I was watching a whole different show, between the new Doctor, new TARDIS, inside and out, new companion, new sonic screwdriver, and different writing. So that is good.
Some Whovians can sleep a bit easier tonite knowing that the new Doctor will not likely be announced until July. The Radio Times reports that the search is underway. That is a tad obvious as the Christmas Special, in which Matt will regenerate, starts filming in July.
Read the RT article I'm mentioning here.
More on....
Christmas 2013 Special,
Matt Smith's Regeneration
"The Wedding of River Song" 6x13
Original Air Date: 1 October 2011
How cool would life be if the time wound world was real? Pteryodactyls and
Meredith Viera! I know someone who knows her, so I guess I am 2 degrees away from the show.
It's always a woman that happens with you lately, Doctor.
Them skulls be like omnomnom space viking.
It's five o'two in the afternoon...your eyes are the size of the moon....
Awee now they're married! Yay!
More on....
2011 Season,
Amy Pond,
Eleventh Doctor,
Episodes Revisited,
River Song,
Rory Williams,
Silence will Fall
"Closing Time" 6x12
Original Air Date: 24 September 2011
CRAIG! My second favourite Craig! (Next to Ferguson)
Increased sulfur emissions-don't even try to tell me that isn't a reference to Supernatural.
Will someone please tell me WHY they did the Amy Pond's Imaginary Friend intro? Please? Its not like she's even really in this one. Why, BBC, why? Meh.
There are aliens in the fridge. Yup.
The Doctor is so perfect to work in a toy store! Yay!
Teehee. I want an incarnation of the Doctor whose gay. That would be fabulous!
Ohmygod giant Amy Pond!
Its like a horseshoe crab, the cybermat.
Oooh. I just noticed that these aren't Cybus cybermen. Cool beans.
Gotta love it when cybermen's heads explode.
Oh hai River.
More on....
2011 Season,
Craig Owens,
Eleventh Doctor,
Episodes Revisited
"The God Complex" 6x11
Original Air Date: 17 September 2011
So this is a fun episode. I feel bad for the guy in the gorilla costume, though. I had to dress up in a chicken costume once (it was that or a gorilla, actually) and it was so, so, so horrible.
Yup. They're in Norway.
And it's definitly a CIA thing. We have minotaurs that eat people. S'all good.
Wow, if I got a B in math we;d have a party or something.
Yay baskets of kittens!
Of all the weird DW episodes, this just might be one of the weirdest ones.
Dude. What if we take the pantaphobic George from "Night Terrors" and put him in the hotel....every room would scare him! I'm bad.
She said the title! She said it!
Le gasp! Door 11! I bet its the John Hurt Doctor in there.
I wish Rita didn't die. I wanted her to be a companion.
You Doctor. You mad bro?
Nooo Doctor why are you being so manipulative? Grr.
That's a good question, Amy. What do Time Lords believe in?
Getting really dark there, Doctor. Talking about you wanting to die and such.
Uh oh. Doctor wants to travel alone again. Not good. Very not good.
More on....
2011 Season,
Amy Pond,
Eleventh Doctor,
Episodes Revisited,
Rory Williams
"The Girl Who Waited" 6x10
Original Air Date: 10 September 2011
Apalapucia. Sounds like it should either be a planet with a bunch of coffee shops or a planet of Central and South American civilisations.
They put a Disney Land on the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius!
This all reminds me of what my aunt would say-kill 'em with kindness. Personally, I'd rather kill with evilness.
I disarmed it. How? It has no hands.
You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, and you meet them and think, not bad, they're okay. And then you get to know them, and their face just sort of becomes them, like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful. Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met.Hear that, kids? Its true. it is so true.
More on....
2011 Season,
Amy Pond,
Eleventh Doctor,
Episodes Revisited,
Rory Williams
"Night Terrors" 6x9
Original Air Date: 3 September 2011
Who else at first thought that the complex was the Powell Estate? Me!
What do we do with the things we don't like? Put them in the cupboard... Didn't we just put Hitler in the cupboard in the last episode? Okay then.
Has anyone else tried to send the Doctor a psychic paper message? Zero guilt.
As someone who has had actual night terrors, I expected this episode to be a bit more terrifying. Oh well. Although I was that kid who always slept with the lights on.
The music of the episode is so creepy. Its that "tick-tock goes the clock, even for the Doctor" music. Let me just put that music in the cupboard.
Are we sure that the landlord is not an multiform like Prisoner Zero? That dog gives me the creeps.
Arthur saying "let the monsters gobble him up" gave me the utmost concern.
NO. Don't take the lift. Don't do it. Oh, you did it.....screams, screams for everyone!
I think Doctor Who really needs to stop trying to do scary. It can do it without trying, and when they try it is not scary. It's just strange. Like, "The Crimson Horror", not scary--weird.
No, you're not dead--again.
Amy! We have so much in common! 1700 and something is my favourite year, too!
I love the way British people say the word "stupid"
I also love when the Doctor is around kids. I was so excited when Amelia Pond was gonna be a companion. I want a companion whose a kid!
No, Doctor, no! Don't run with giant scissors.
Yep. George's an alien. Yay!
I will never send you away, George. Until it's time for university.
More on....
2011 Season,
Amy Pond,
Eleventh Doctor,
Episodes Revisited,
Rory Williams
Some More 12th Doctor Candidates
In addition to the last post, here are some more names of the people who may be being considered to play the twelfth Doctor:
Stephen Mangan
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Damien Molony
Tom Hiddleston
Richard Madden
Sue Perkins
Jamie Dornan
Miranda Hart
Colin Morgan
Andrew Buchan
Eddie Redmayne
Ben Daniels
Dev Patel
Patterson Joseph
Matthew Goode
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Guess Who?
Some mathletes have hit the books and come up with the odds of several actors favorited to play the Twelfth Doctor. Here they are:
3:1 Rory Kinnear
4:1 David Harewood
9:2 Idris Elba
6:1 Benedict Cumberbatch
7:1 Harry Lloyd
8:1 Derek Jakobi
10:1 Rupert Grint
10:1 Russell Tovey
12:1 Martin Freeman
14:1 Ben Winshaw
16:1 Billie Piper
(Personally, I find Billie highly unlikely as she was, of course, Rose Tyler and, well, it'd just be awkward....)
20:1 Helen Mirren
20:1 Tilda Swinton
20:1 David Walliams
25:1 Rys Ifan
25:1 Olivia Coleman
25:1 Daniel Radcliffe
40:1 Rowan Aktinson
66:1 Stephen Fry
250:1 David Beckham
250:1 Tom Cruise
250:1 Simon Cowell
What do I think? I think I should play the Doctor. But I don't think that will be happening for this incarnation, so my bet is on Olivia Coleman, I just have a feeling about her, or Rupert Grint, because he is ginger. I do feel that casting the Doctor as a black actor might be likely as well. I just have a feeling about Olivia Coleman, I don't know why. It will definitely be exciting to see who gets this role.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
The Actor to Play the Twelfth Doctor....
....has not yet been cast, according to a tweet by the via the BBC One account from Steven Moffat. It was tweeted today (1 June) at 5:26pm (I assume EST because the fact that Matt was leaving had not been announced at 5:26pm in Britain). It reads:
"Somewhere out there right now - all unknowing, just going about their business - is someone who's about to become the Doctor"My first reaction is that they are randomly going to pick someone off the street and be like "YOU! You are the new Doctor!", but I doubt that will happen.
When that someone becomes the next Doctor, you can be sure that you'll hear about it from us.
CONFIRMED: Matt Smith Leaving Officially Doctor Who
Some, like myself, are happy, and some are sad. No matter what your opinion, Matt had some great moments as the last of the Time Lords and will be missed. To my knowledge, it has not yet been announced who will be taking over for him.
His last episode, as predicted, will be the 2013 Christmas special.
Here is the statement Matt made just a few minutes ago.
"Doctor Who has been the most brilliant experience for me as an actor and a bloke, and that largely is down to the cast, crew and fans of the show.
"I'm incredibly grateful to all the cast and crew who work tirelessly every day to realise all the elements of the show and deliver Doctor Who to the audience. Many of them have become good friends and I'm incredibly proud of what we have achieved over the last four years.
"Having Steven Moffat as show runner write such varied, funny, mind bending and brilliant scripts has been one of the greatest and most rewarding challenges of my career. It's been a privilege and a treat to work with Steven - he's a good friend and will continue to shape a brilliant world for the Doctor.
The fans of Doctor Who around the world are unlike any other; they dress up, shout louder, know more about the history of the show (and speculate more about the future of the show) in a way that I've never seen before.
"Your dedication is truly remarkable. Thank you so very much for supporting my incarnation of the Time Lord, number 11, who I might add is not done yet - I'm back for the 50th anniversary and the Christmas special.
"It's been an honour to play this part, to follow the legacy of brilliant actors, and helm the TARDIS for a spell with 'the ginger, the nose and the impossible one'. But when ya gotta go, ya gotta go and Trenzalore calls. Thank you guys."
Read the full article from the BBC itself here.
This is the first in a series of DW announcements expected tonight.
More on....
Matt Smith,
Matt Smith's Regeneration,
Big DW Anncoucement: 8pm EST
As you may have heard, the BBC will be making a big announcement as to the specifics of the next season of Doctor Who. The following is expected:
- Jenna-Louise Coleman will be on the show for the foreseeable future.
- Matt will be leaving and there will be a new Doctor in August 2014.
- The season will not be split in two.
- John Hurt will appear in several episodes past the 50th.
- Moffat will be leaving the show with Matt.
That is all that I have heard. I will post the announcement as soon as I see it.
Oh, and happy June :)
Oh, and happy June :)
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